Our mission is to support people’s mental health through active listening and caring, and confidential conversations.
Our vision is to create a space where everyone can be connected to support an individual's wellness.
Active Listening is the driving force behind all of HopeLine's services and has been proven to be effective. The goal of active listening is that the caller will find within themselves the steps toward resolving their own crisis. This happens when the volunteer listens very carefully, reflects key elements of the content, stays with the emotional flow of the interaction, and keeps the focus on the caller and their concerns.
HopeLine’s staff and volunteers are trained listeners, not professional counselors. HopeLine's services are designed be brief in nature and not intended to replace traditional therapeutic settings. These listeners create an atmosphere of acceptance and trust, where the caller feels free to express their thoughts and feelings. HopeLine volunteers are trained to recognize personal biases and to put them aside to focus solely on the caller and their needs. Volunteers do not offer advice but instead strive to create a non-judgmental and supportive space to help callers identify next steps and solutions for themselves. Callers are free to discuss openly with volunteers whatever may be troubling them. HopeLine volunteers are trained to identify physical and emotional emergencies over the telephone and to contact professionals when necessary.